Learning to Play the Chords

To learn the chords of a guitar, you must have the basic knowledge on what a chord is and how is it produced.


A chord is a set of tones producing a melody and is played on a guitar. The chords of a guitar can be made up of different notes that are played one string at a time whether doing it on a plucking or strumming method. Chords are played with two or three notes.

Categorically, there two kinds of chords – minor and major.

Reading a Diagram

You will need to understand how to read a chord chart or chord diagram. Imagine yourself looking down at a guitar and look at the fret board. The fret board is divided into frets that are separated by metal bars and then, the 6 strings on top of it. These strings are responsible for producing the notes and melody. It would be a good idea to memorize the different notes on each fret.

There are five basic and easy chords that will serve as a base and from here, you will learn other chords that may be more difficult to finger. Be aware that the strings that say 0, mean that they are plucked without any fingers pressing down on the strings.

C Major

A Major






Oftentimes, a lot of beginners complain how sore their fingers are after finishing a session with their guitar. This is quite common and it is a normal reaction. If you’re not hurting, this means that you are not playing the chords correctly. Be sure that you are pressing your fingertips hard enough on the strings. When you hear a buzzing sound, this means that you aren’t pressing down hard enough on the string so be sure to press harder.


  1. Cut long fingernails. They will make it difficult for you to press the strings correctly.
  2. Be sure that your fingertips are the only part of your finger touching the strings. Be sure to arch your fingers so that the fleshy parts of your fingers aren’t touching the strings. This will result in muting some strings. This is one of the most common mistake of newbies. Although it is difficult , it will become easier as calluses start to form on your fingertips.
  3. Remember to press the notes all together.
  4. Practice, practice, practice so that you can memorize each chord pattern.
  5. Don’t rush and be sure to choose songs that are easier to play.

Learn To Play The Chords

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